Monday, September 10, 2012


Seeing [ˈsiːɪŋ]
 the sense or faculty of sight; vision

Perception [per-sep-shuhn]
the act or faculty of apprehending by means of the senses or of the mind;cognition; understanding.

These are the definition on "seeing" and "perception" that can be found in dictionaries, seeing is basically what we can pick up through our eyes, however perception are the images that is shown in our mind. What we see can be different to those of others, one can see an object as a normal object however some others may perceive it as something else; probably it could bring sentimental values, different meaning and etc.

One good example of this is, being an infant who does not know anything about fire. He/ she might not be intimated of be scared to touch the fire, but when the infant felt the pain from the burn, they will immediately associate FIRE = PAIN.

 When what we see is processed, and saved in our brain, it is when it becomes our perception. The way we deliver our perception are through our words we send to others. Saying one particular word to another can cause them to create the image differently due to the fact that they may have seen or absorb a different meaning when the first time they heard the particular word. In reference of the pictures I provided, when we say the word “apple” some perceive the word as in the pictures


To some, apple can be seen as this


However, some people may perceive apple, as a green apple


While some others, may see it as this….

           “The way we see things is affected by what we know or what we believe…we never look at just one thing; we are always looking at the relation between things and ourselves. Our vision is continually active, continually moving, continually holding things in circle around itself, constituting what is present to us as we are” (John Berger, 1977)

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