Saturday, November 17, 2012

week 8 - photography


Originally photography was used as a form of portraiture and to replace the traditional way of taking portraits, which was painting. Producing pictures was expensive in the early eras of photography, however as time goes, the production of photos got cheaper and used as a form of documentation; to record the activities or events. It continued to advance and finally at a stage where taking a photo is merely a click of a button from our mobile devices.

Here is a picture taken by me during a trip to Thailand last semester, the question that was asked by Chris “what is the relationship between memory and space”. I can answer this question through this picture; firstly, what is memory and what is space? Memory is basically our cognitive ability to retain and recall past experiences while space refers to the time of when the memory was made. In reference to the picture, it made me reminisce of this particular activity that in that period of time, hence relating the ‘memory’ of the ‘space’

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